Friday, January 7, 2011

6th January 2011

And the worries go on

Posted 6th January 2011 at 08:57 PM by pisa
Whatever made me believe that after getting the junior bunnies settled in their bigger run life would quieten down a bit?

I had made a list of all the animal things left to do, and it was only four.

So I started with the hen house and gave it a good clean: the ducklings have been squatting in there, and they are a messy bunch alright.

Next up, in between looking after the two-legged members of the family, I moved a hutch to a spot in the orchard: the new duck home. Dug a bit of area level for their paddling pool and then set about catching and moving them.
Fortunately they're a greedy bunch, and offering toast proved a winner.

Right, I thought, time for a cuppa and getting stuck into household chores. Peacefully reading emails and paying bills, til the phone rang and the vet told me the result of a FEC for our goats.
Panic again! But thankfully lots of members on this forum jumped, offered help and advice.
As the night descends, and I'm close to collapsing into bed, I rest assured that even though they haven't been drenched yet, but by tomorrow afternoon they will. And as they are frolicking around as if nothing is the matter, and particularly enjoyed the weighing part, due to nuts offered for cooperation, I'm going to try very hard NOT to worry over night. Rather get a good rest and cross whatever bridge comes tomorrow with renewed energy and brain capacity.

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